CANDIDATES that do not show up for INTERVIEWS.

September 3, 2017 Michael Shabi No comments exist

CANDIDATES that do not show up for INTERVIEWS.

Please think about these:
1. You are actually hurting chances of some OTHER CANDIDATE S whom your agency could have sent in your stead.
2. You are hurting the recruiter’s reputation with the client – clients think that it is partially the recruiter’s fault.

Recruiter thought you are good, and staked own reputation on recommending you to the client
3. You are creating a nuisance for interviewers, some of them travel to meet you, some cancel other meetings
4. You are creating a bad rep for yourself – the world is much smaller than you may think

The attitude of “I do not care about other people” is simply not professional, not polite and not kind to many people involved.

Dont send your CV when you know you are not ready.
Let us be professional.

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