How to be your employer’s favorite and avoid the phobia of job insecurity
Research shows that the purgatory of job insecurity may be even worse for you than unemployment.
In today’s business world, living with job insecurity is a reality for many. But it doesn’t have to be stressful and negative.
Below are some of the things you can do to be at the top of your game:
- Know roles and seek to improve it
- Be punctual to work and work activities
- Know the vision and mission of your place of work and key to it
- Be supportive and make positive contributions
- Read the policy and interprete it
- Research and be dynamic by bringing creativity and innovations to your work
- Avoid cliques at work place
- Improve on your problem solving skills and constantly think out of the box
- Avoid public confrontation and insubordination with superior officers
- Find a mentor to help you excel at work
- Be conversant with what’s trending e.g computer usage and other IT application
- Be proactive. Solve it or try to proffer solutions before you report it
- Stay an extra late at work working and sometimes go an extra mile
- Volunteer always
- Meet deadlines to task
- Report issues to the appropriate authority avoid gossip
- Be self motivated
- Your appearance matters, be mindful of your dress sense
- Don’t be a fanatic, respect others people’s belief
- Set targets and meet your targets
More Success to you
Courtesy THINK Team
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